
The school uniform is compulsory and is designed to be attractive, functional and practical whilst reflecting the developmental ages and stages of the students. There are changes in style as students’ progress through the various year levels. It also serves as a reminder that our students are part of an awesome and unique place.  

All students are encouraged to wear their uniform with pride and a sense of identity with City Impact Church School. The correct uniform is also required when travelling to and from school and when attending functions or representing the school. All items of school uniform may be worn in summer or winter as appropriate to the weather conditions.

Please be aware that no uniform item may be substituted with mufti items (e.g. a hoodie or jacket instead of the school denim jacket or blazer) and all students require the full uniform complement in appropriate sizing and condition. 

Jewellery is permitted as long as it is kept simple; a chain or necklace, one bracelet or bangle and a plain ring on each hand. Girls only may also wear up to two earrings in each lobe (stud or simple hoop). Tattoos, facial and body piercing are not acceptable.

From Year 7, girls may wear clear nail polish and natural looking make-up including, foundation, mascara and lip gloss. False eye-lashes and false nails are not part of the school uniform protocol.

For students who arrive at school in non-regulation uniform, parents/caregivers are required to email or verbally communicate with their respective teacher explaining that repairs or replacements are underway. Students may wear a plain white or soft pink (girls) singlet T-shirt or thermal as under garments.

The Principal and Senior Management reserve the right to determine if uniform requirements are being met based on the uniform policy. A standard of excellence is expected to be maintained at all times.