School Information

We aim to inform and assist parents in working in partnership with the school as we do life together and desire to see all that God has planned for each and every student come to pass.

2025 Term Dates

Primary and Junior High
02 February – 06 April; Years 0 – 10

Senior High
31 January – 06 April; Years 11 – 13

07 April – 23 April

Primary and Junior High
30 January – 11 April; Years 0 – 6
30 January – 11 April; Years 7 – 10

Senior High
28 January – 11 April; Years 11 – 13

12 April – 28 April (Easter is included as part of this break)

Primary, Junior High and Senior High
28 April – 27 June; Years 0 – 13

28 June – 20 July

Primary, Junior High and Senior High
21 July – 19 September; Years 0 – 13

20 September – 05 October

Primary and Junior High
06 October – 05 December; Years 0 – 10

Senior High
06 October – 28 November; Years 11 – 13

Monday 27 January – Auckland Anniversary Day
Thursday 06 February – Waitangi Day 
Friday 18 April – Good Friday
Monday 21 April – Easter Monday
Tuesday 22 April – Easter Tuesday (a school holiday)
Friday 25 April – Anzac Day
Monday 02 June – King’s Birthday Weekend
Friday 20 June – Matariki Weekend
Monday 27 October – Labour Day

20 January – 23 January – Youth Camp (Years 7 – 13)
13 February – Year 1 Parent Evening
27 February – Year 7 Parent Evening
13 March – Family Get-Together
20 March – Parent / Teacher Interviews
27 March – Parent / Teacher Interviews
25 May – School Open Day
24 July – Parent / Teacher Interviews
31 July – Parent / Teacher Interviews
11 August – 22 August – Preliminary Examinations Years 11 – 13
04 September – Parent Information Evening
12 September – Character Awards Assembly Years 7 – 13
07 November – Character Awards Assembly Years 0 – 6
28 November – Annual School Prize Giving



The school uniform is compulsory and is designed to be attractive, functional and practical whilst reflecting the developmental ages and stages of the students. There are changes in style as students’ progress through the various year levels. It also serves as a reminder that our students are part of an awesome and unique place.

Stationery Requirements

Parent Information Handbook

2025 / Term 1 Class Timetables - Coming Soon

After-school Care

After school care is available to City Impact Church School Students. This will incur a cost of $12.50 per session (3:30 pm – 5:30 pm). Please ensure that your child is collected no later than 5:30 pm.

Frequently Asked Questions

Every student at City Impact Church School has the opportunity to learn in a nurturing and supportive environment, establishing meaningful and genuine relationships with their peers and teachers. The first part of our school creed states that, ‘We are made in the image of God,’ and this is the foundation for nurturing each student’s identity; firmly establishing their identities in Christ.

Knowing that they know who has made them, and how fearfully and wonderfully they have been made, gives each student a deep inner confidence that, in turn, gives them an external ability to naturally relate to others in a warm, friendly and sincere manner. Our students are able to communicate effectively to the young and old alike and we often receive great feedback from people that we have served on our Community Impact Days as to just how relatable and engaging the students have been.

Growing our students in Godly confidence, within a protected environment, can be likened to the example of a young sapling. We certainly do not expect a young tree to survive the elements without first being staked and protected, so why would we do this to our children? As the young tree establishes its roots firmly in well nourished soil and is sheltered by larger more well established trees, it is able to grow and flourish. As it gets stronger, the stakes are lessened and eventually moved because the sapling has matured to a point where it can stand on its own and face the elements thrown its way.

‘They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of His splendour.’ (Isaiah 61:3)

As a fully private Christian School we have the autonomy to teach a Biblical Worldview and structure the learning environment in a way that aligns with the vision of City Impact Church.

Our vision is to be a blessing to families who entrust the care and education of their children to us; to be an extension of the home, providing excellence in learning whilst nurturing a student’s character and personal development. The school works in partnership with families to see all that God has planned for each and every student come to pass.

Discipline is not just being concerned with behaviour but also with character. City Impact Church School has developed an excellent ‘Character Traits’ programme that encourages all students to become more Christ-like. The central goal of discipline is to grow students to a place where they are willing to be guided and directed inwardly by the Holy Spirit.  The school intentionally manages behaviour with a positive proactive approach, which includes firm boundaries based on mutual respect and dignity. 

There are six areas of respect and honour that students will be trained in. These include respect for authority, parents, the aged/elders, peers/siblings, property and nature. Training students in these areas is based on the principles of the Word of God and not just necessarily a set of rules and procedures.

“Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.”(Proverbs 22:6)

As part of our Physical Education programme, our Primary School years (0–6) make the most of the outstanding professionally run sporting facilities available on Auckland’s North Shore, including Hilton Brown Swim Centre, Northern Tennis, North Harbour Gymnastics, and North Shore Trampoline Inc.

In the Junior High years (7–10) our students have the opportunity to attend the Millennium Institute of Sport and Health, a world-class facility also based on Auckland’s North Shore. Working closely with their School Sports Coordinator, City Impact Church School has designed a tailor-made two year programme for our students. This includes a range of sports and associated skills and we are also able to offer a variety of specialty sports such as: pole-vaulting, rock climbing, kayaking, water-polo, volley ball, lacrosse etc.       

School sports teams will continue to develop as the school grows. We currently have teams in Hockey, Basketball, Touch Rugby, Football and Netball at various year levels.

This question could be rephrased as, ‘can I afford not to send my child to a private Christian school?’ Part of the vision behind the establishing of City Impact Church School was to create an environment that complemented the Christian home; an environment that has Christ at its centre, supporting the values and absolutes of the Christian parent.

Fees currently cover all tuition, including off-site sports programmes and educational excursions. To assist our families with budgeting, a weekly automatic payment system is available, spread over a 52 week period rather than lump sum payments each term. When considering the weekly tuition fee this is actually cheaper than full-time Childcare fees.

A large school does not necessarily mean lots of friends, as it says in the Bible in Proverbs 18:24 “A man who has friends must himself be friendly.” Genuine relationships and strong friendships are encouraged across all age groups and our ‘Big Buddy’ programme helps reinforce this value. At break times, students are able to freely mix with various age groups as areas are not limited to specific ages. Such an approach really encourages a family atmosphere.

We are a private Christian School as this gives us the autonomy to teach our Biblical worldview and conduct our classes in a way that aligns with the vision of the Senior Pastors of City Impact Church.

In his book What do you learn in School, Brian Watts states, “While public schools ingrain students with secular worldview, Christian education should teach our children to think from a biblical worldview. Our goal is to train a generation of young people who can build on God’s Word and who will be part of the solution to the coming crises in our culture.”

At City Impact Church School, we teach worldviews in order to equip students to understand how people think and act and answer the big questions of life. We teach that the Bible is the source of all truth, and all our curriculum is filtered through this absolute. Biblical principles are not just taught as a ‘subject’ but permeate through the teaching and learning in all curriculum areas.

Since the inception of City Impact Church School, we have been designing and implementing our own Christian studies approach, which we call our ‘Kingdom Building’ programme. This programme incorporates History, Geography and Doctrine imparted from a Biblical perspective. History is the framework that we use to explore God’s sovereign hand throughout time – past, present and future.