Excellent Christian Learning
A place where every student can gain a Biblical perspective of the world, grow in wisdom, knowledge and Godly character.
Letter from the Principal
“Raising up generations of young people to be all that they have been purposed to be in Christ as they walk out their God-given calling to serve this beautiful nation of Aotearoa, New Zealand.”
On behalf of the team here at City Impact Church School it is my privilege to extend a very warm welcome to all of you as guests to our website. I trust that you find it informative and that it inspires you to want to be part of this awesome place.
Having Christ at the centre of all that we do anchors us to ensure that we play our part, alongside our families to see each and every student thrive within a supportive and encouraging environment. Investing into the whole student, spiritually, academically, socially and emotionally is at the core of who we are as a school. We are committed to training our students to think and respond from a biblical worldview, leaning on the Word of God as the source of all truth. This absolute guides all aspects of our teaching and curriculum.
Through meaningful and sincere relationships between students, teachers and parents, I am convinced that all of our young people can thrive at City Impact Church School.
Thank you for taking the time to consider our school, you are welcome to visit us to personally experience this unique place.
Kind Regards,
Darrell Parratt

Our School
City Impact Church School is a Private Christian School located on Auckland’s North Shore. We welcome students from Primary through to Intermediate and High School (Year 1 to Year 13). Offering a high-quality education within a Christian environment, our students achieve academic excellence whilst growing in their faith.
Our belief is that we are all created in God’s image, with incredible potential, and we celebrate each of our students, knowing that they carry their own unique gifts and qualities. By providing the right atmosphere, opportunity and encouragement, our school enables them to fulfil their God-given potential.
Enrolment Application
City Impact Church School is committed to investing into future generations. In partnering with families, we will see significant maturity, wisdom and compassion: the foundations of legacy, a priceless investment.
Contact Us
- Postal Address: 794 East Coast Road, Oteha, Auckland 0630
- Phone: 09 477 0302
- Email: [email protected]
- School Office Hours: 8.30am-3.30pm Monday to Friday